/Zumiez Legal Address

Zumiez Legal Address

Users can find below Zumiez customer service number, toll-free number, helpline, and contact phone numbers with related information such as customer service, email address, customer support numbers, etc. You can find the address of the head office of Zumiez, the address of the company here, the help number of the customer service, the telephone number of the customer service, the address of the head office. Below is Zumiez`s official email address. They provide 24-hour email support throughout the day and usually respond within 24 hours. As a general rule, you can expect a delay in response. Hello, I am currently an employee of Bayshore Town Center Zumiez, I am being treated very unfairly and they also took me out of schedule without contacting me about it. I have tried to communicate with me several times this week and last week, and at this point I am not sure how to proceed. We have provided Zumiez`s phone number here, and you can use this number to contact Zumiez`s head office and customer service. You can contact a person directly in Zumiez customer service at the Zumiez contact phone number provided below and enjoy all the major benefits of Zumiez services or correctly address and receive your concern yourself with the relevant authorities. Look for more information about the different types of Zumiez services and brands such as Zumiez headquarters, Zumiez 24-hour toll-free number, hours of availability, official customer service number, Zumiez headquarters address.

The good news is that you can get all the important information from this website and use this contact details to contact the customer service representative and support center and they will help you resolve your issue quickly, quickly and efficiently. The official postal address, payment office, registered office and location address of Zumiez are listed below. People can use these contact information to contact them and get a quick response to their concern or request. Your email address will not be published. Required fields are marked * They are not the only ones, this time in Willowbrook and they wonder why they are not very busy and fluctuating there. I find a way to include HR! The contact details of Zumiez`s head office and customer service are very important to understand how the company works. Zumiez customers call the contact numbers below for assistance with the Zumiez Services. Try calling from your mobile phones or phone numbers.

Zumiez`s support team, Zumiez head office and customer service call center will provide you with better service. All required information has been listed below. One of the company`s main services is to give customers the opportunity to showcase different types of clothing for adventure athletes, either in retail stores or through its online e-commerce website. The company sells clothing for snowboarding, skateboarding and motocross sports. What are the contact and customer service contact details of Zumiez? What is Zumiez`s customer service number? What is the Zumiez Customer Service Email ID? What are the local Zumiez customer service numbers? Here are some of the queries that are frequently searched for. The available answers to the questions are listed below. We hope the above information has helped you a lot. Please visit our website regularly for more useful articles. Please comment on your suggestions or questions.

Save my name, email address, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. It`s ridiculous that I can`t receive or refund my item. I`m finally getting help via email, but it`s going nowhere. They don`t read the email because they keep asking the questions that are already answered in my emails. At this point, I don`t even want my sandals when it`s a big deal to ship them and I`d rather get my money back and buy somewhere else. Zumiez Registered Office Address Registered Office: 4001 204th St SW Lynnwood WA 98036 USA Zumiez Company provides services in Washington, Springfield, Franklin, Greenville, Bristol, Clinton, Fairview, Salem, Madison, Georgetown, New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Houston, Phoenix, Philadelphia, San Antonio, San Diego, Dallas, Boston, Las Vegas, Miami, Oakland, Minneapolis, Cleveland, Pittsburg, Jersey City, Fontana, Vacaville, San Mateo, Meridian, Inglewood, Centennial, Lowell, Pompano Beach, Manchester, West Jordan, Rochester, Cambridge, Pearland, Wilmington, Columbia, Roseville, etc. Zumiez Head Office Phone Number Toll Free: 1-877-828-6929 The above number may not be a toll-free number and you may be charged when you call this number at regular rates. This Zumiez customer service number is available during normal working hours and may be closed on certain holidays. Zumiez was founded in 1978. The company has been active for almost 41 years. The founders of the company were Gary Haakenson and Thomas D.

Campion. The main objective of the company was to produce various types of clothing and equipment for lovers of action sports such as snowboarding, skateboarding and motocross. The company`s former name was known as Above The Bell. In the 1980s, the company expanded rapidly and opened various stores in Washington, USA. In 2005, the company was transformed into a limited liability company. In 2012, the company`s headquarters moved from Everett to Lynnwood in Washington, USA. The company has also expanded to other countries, including Canada and even European countries. It also sells its products through its online e-commerce website. The company`s head office is located at 4001 204th Street South West. The name of the place is Lynnwood, while the name of the state is Washington, USA.

The PIN code for the region is 98036. Customer Service Customer Service Phone Number: 1-877-828-6929 Please log in again. The login page will open in a new tab. After logging in, you can close it and return to this page. Originally called „Above the Belt” when the first store opened in Seattle`s Northgate Mall in 1978, the company grew rapidly in the early 1980s with stores in Everett Mall (Everett, Washington), Alderwood Mall (Lynnwood, WA), Tacoma Mall (Tacoma, WA) and Bellevue Square (Bellevue, WA). In the mid and late eighties, new stores outside the Puget Sound area went online and the company name was changed to Zumiez. The company moved its headquarters from Everett to Lynnwood, Washington, in 2012. About Zumiez USA: Zumiez Inc. is an American multinational specialty clothing company founded in 1978 by Tom Campion and Gary Haakenson and publicly traded since 2005.

The company is a retailer specializing in clothing, footwear, accessories and hardware for young men and women. Zumiez markets clothing for action sports, especially skateboarding, snowboarding and motocross. Zumiez is based in Lynnwood, Washington. The current President and CEO is Richard Brooks. Zumiez is an American company that sells clothing for sports such as snowboarding, motocross and skateboarding in online and even offline stores. The current President and Chief Executive Officer of the Company is Richard M Brooks Jr. In 2013, the company`s total revenue was over $724 million. The number of employees working in the company is also more than 1,800 employees.

The company has nearly 552 stores worldwide.