/O Que Foi a Campanha Da Legalidade

O Que Foi a Campanha Da Legalidade

In Minas Gerais, the ranks of legality were condensed by students from the Belo Horizonte Faculty of Law and the Federation of Young Catholic Workers. In Niterói and the rest of Rio de Janeiro, several categories went on strike. These movements were influenced by the Rio Grande do Sul decision. The legalistic cause was supported by the Brazilian Bar Association, the National Union of Students, the Nationalist Parliamentary Front,[56] the National Episcopal Conference of Brazil, the Democratic Resistance Front, formed by students and trade union leaders, and intellectuals such as Alceu Amoroso Lima, Aurélio Buarque de Holanda, Darcy Ribeiro, Jorge Amado, and Dinah Silveira de Queiroz. They also advocated ownership of trade and professional associations. The coalition included left-wing, nationalist and conservative groups,[55][38][23] including parts of the PSD and UDN, as well as professional associations such as the Council of Producing Classes (CONCLAP). [57] Carlos Lacerda acknowledged the appeal of Jânio`s campaign promises, especially for the middle class, based on fighting corruption, controlling inflation, lowering the cost of living, cutting spending, and public austerity. Under his influence, the National Democratic Union (UDN) supported the candidate for electoral victory – hitherto dominated by the PSD and the PTB. [4] [5] Jânio`s anti-political message, which expressed a deep contempt for mainstream politicians, appealed to the inflation-plagued middle-class electorate, who saw the candidate as the embodiment of the energetic manager and was able to effectively dominate the Brazilian economy. [4] Machado Lopes had only the „Unified Command of the Armed Forces of the South”: the Third Army, a minority of the Air Force (V Air Zone), the military brigade and the public forces. The BM was removed from „Mr.

Leonel Brizola” when it integrated its commander, Colonel Diomário Morgen, into the General Staff. The hypothesis of the campaign was to enter São Paulo with three axes and advance in Rio de Janeiro. The expected benefits were defecation of the enemy and support of the population; Machado Lopes hoped that public opinion in São Paulo would „relive 1932.” [94] [133] The Third Army was the most important, but I in Guanabara was also strong and had the armored division and paratroopers. [97] Between late August and early September 1961, Leonel Brizola led the legality campaign. The story of this important episode began on September 25. Jânio Quadros surprised the country and resigned from the presidency. The resignation encouraged the putschists to prevent the inauguration of the Vice-President of the Republic at the time, João Goulart. He also participated in the 2nd 105mm Series Howitzer Regiment, ITU, which, after a visit by the Commander of the São Paulo Component (GT/4), General Ulhoa Cintra, had arrested all its senior officers, including the commander, Colonel Oswaldo de Mello Loureiro, after officials sympathized with a major who supported the campaign and the possibility that it might have a fratricidal character. concerned.

Nevertheless, on September 5, under the artillery command of the Jundiaí Division, the regiment sent its first group on the BR-116 to Juquiá and formed a group with the 2nd group of 155 mm Ozers, also from Jundiaí. [139] Leonel Brizola: Legalität und andere schlüssige Gedanken Am 30. The divisions of the Third Army were already marching north. According to the orders of the next day, the 1st DC, passing through Ponta Grossa, would enter the city of São Paulo via Ourinhos and Sorocaba, followed by the 2nd DC. The 5th DI was to cross the border at Ribeira and advance on the BR-373 to Sorocaba and advance through Registro on the BR-116. The 6th DI concentrated in Vacaria and went to Santa Catarina. The 3rd DC and the 3rd DI could follow north, the latter receiving Curitiba as the first destination. The 3rd DI also sent a detachment to the port of Rio Grande; It was not only the land campaign, but also the defense of the coast. Porto Alegre received anti-aircraft forces. [133] [137] The Governor was therefore found to be out of the ordinary. The commander of the Third Army acted with maximum energy and speed.